Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Update on our family

OK, so it has been a long time since I have blogged about what is going on in our life. We are very busy these days. Bryce is 31/2 yrs old, Brayden is 2 yrs and 4 mo old, and Brenna is 14 mo old. I sometimes feel like I am raising triplets because of how close in age they are. Nick is still working full time at Stag Parkway in Elkhart, IN. He is busy and a very hard worker. We are praying for him to be able to advance in his job, or in another job someday. We are still living with Nick's parents. Which can be very hard on every one's patience. But we are grateful for the roof over our heads. I am looking for a part-time job in the evenings. So far nothing is opening up.

Brenna learned how to walk when she turned 13 mo. She has been on the go since. She is no longer in First Steps. She met all her goals and is doing great. She talks a lot! Hmmmm who does she take after? haha She has wavy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes with long eyelashes. That she gets from her father. However, she is also learning about her independence. She is turning 2 early I think. When she is good she is golden and when she is bad she is horrible. But none the less, she is my baby girl and I love her so much.

Brayden, what can I say he's my little buddy. Then again he's every body's little buddy. He is a lover for sure. Cuddle bug extraordinaire! He is so funny too. He talks a ton now. He is still in First Steps and it has really helped with his speech. We will be working on gross motor skills soon. Brayden has straight thick dark brown hair and grayish blue eyes. Nick always says he is going to be a lady killer. He is a little cutie for sure. Of course I am partial since I am his mother. He can throw a ball on target. Nick is teaching him how to kick a soccer ball. I think he will be our little sports player. He is learning to pick on his little sister like Bryce picks on him. He tries to wrestle Brenna like Bryce wrestles him. Brenna isn't too fond of it. It is funny sometimes until it gets out of control. Regardless he is still my little lover and sweetheart.

Bryce, this is gonna be as quick and as clear as possible. He is the one that keeps us all centered. He is who reminds us that we are human and that life is full of surprises. He has school 3 times a week at Oxbow Elementary in the REACH program. That is a special needs program for those that are ages 3-5. It is only 3 hours a day. But, he has an Occupational Therapist (OT) and a Speech Therapist (ST) He is also getting therapy twice a week in South Bend at Memorial. It is adjacent to the Memorial Hospital. So we have a busy week. mon, wed, and fri are school. Mon. and Thurs. is therapy @ Memorial. So I have one day a week to get everything done. Bryce loves school. He runs to the bus, and has just learned to say "bus". It thrills my heart that he loves school. I would feel terrible if he cried every time he got on the bus. His bus driver and her helper are great. Bryce doesn't see himself as different. He is always so happy and loves life.

So that is it! I tried to keep this blog short, sweet and to the point. I will try to blog again soon!

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