Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Family News

Hello all!

I have more news on our family to update everyone on.

Nick is doing well, finally getting over the cold that has plagued his body for 2 1/2 weeks. He is looking forward to softball season coming up. He has been trying to work out quite a bit and get into shape. He thinks he is terribly out of shape, I keep telling him he looks great. His work has picked up a little now. He was going in at 8am and they put him back on starting at 7am for 3 days a week Mon. - Wed., and 8 am Thurs. and Fri. He works most days til 4pm but occasionally on Fridays they were letting him go by noon. That might still be the case. Other than that tidbit of information, nothing else is new with Nick.

I have been very busy with the kids. Between therapy and School for Bryce, My days are full. I am thinking and praying about going to school for Occupational Therapy still. I have proactively searched the Internet for schools and there is only one in the area that carries the OT program. I have heard mixed reviews about the program and the school. So I am looking at classes online. I too have been struggling with this cold now for 2 weeks and hoping it leaves me soon. I am having some other physical issues that I will see my midwife about in a few weeks. No, I am not pregnant. I will get that out there right now. I will let you know more when I know more what is going on. Pampered Chef is still keeping me busy. I am looking forward to a couple of shows this month. We really need the $$. I am in my best friends wedding on April 24th. Tina is one of my dearest and closest friends here in IN. She always encourages me in the word of God and my personal walk with Him. She is marrying Nick's cousin Adam. They a have been dating for years now. I hope that I can be a blessing to her on her wedding day. I can't wait to see the Lord unite these two in marriage. Nick is an usher in the wedding as well, so no kids that night!!!!

Bryce started school last week Tuesday March 31st. I put him on the bus , watched as it pulled away, then I cried. I was holding Brayden and he was crying too. I think he was crying because he wanted to go on the big bus like his big brother. Bryce did well that day with a great report from his teacher Mrs. Laramie Keim. Bryce goes to school twice a week Tues. and Thurs. from 1-3:30pm I put him on the bus at 12:30 and he doesn't get home til 4:30. We are all glad to see him when he gets home. This week is spring break, so he will go next week again for 5 more weeks then school is done for the year. He did great last week and I hope to continue to see good reports from the teacher. We are having issues with him this week and his behavior. H kicked me so hard and repeatedly on Mon. that I have a huge bruise on my leg. But that is life with and Autistic child.

Brayden had an evaluation this week with First Steps. I was concerned that he was not where he should be developmentally. With all that has been going on with Bryce, I think poor Brayden was left to himself to learn. They were able to tell me that my concerns were valid and they believe he will benefit from early intervention. They are confident that he will catch up quickly and assured me it was probably because of all that keeps me busy with Bryce and Brenna.

Speaking of Brenna, she is doing better in her therapy. We are using a baby grinder for her food now to help introduce texture foods to her. She is taking a bottle better now. She tested positive to Sensory Integration Disorder or SID. SID is not sudden infant death syndrome, that is called SIDS. SID is Sensory Integration Disorder. It has to do with textures and things that feel ok to us do not feel the same to her. I think. and so does her OT, that with the proper therapy Brenna will not need to worry about this later on in life.

Ok so that is it in a nut shell. I am trying to be better about blogging. Feel free to comment or e-mail with any questions. Thank you for your prayers, they have been uplifting.

Praising God for His Grace,
The Clarks